Wednesday, June 26, 2013

White rice with beans and pork chops


1cup of white rice
21/2  cup of water
Salt as your like.
1spoon of olive oil


In a pot put olive oil, rice and the water, salt. Let it cook for about 15 or 20 minutes..


2 cups of pinto beans
4 cups of water
Salt, pepper and little bit of olive oil


In a pot put the beans to cook with the water let it cook for abojt 1 hour, after the beans there's soft add salt, pepper and olive oil..


5 pork chop
1 cup of mojo criollo


In a fry pan put the pork chop with the mojo criollo, ket it cook for about 25 minutes..

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Waffle with berries and banana


1 cup of power pancake
11/4 of water
1 egg
1/2 cup of strawberry
1/2 banana 1/2 cup of blueberry


Mix all the ingredients together in a glass containers, put butter to the toaster heat it up, then start to put in the dough..

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Five grain pizza

Pizza five grain

Pizza five grain


1lb of pizza Dough
1/2 of mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup of ragu sauce
1/2 cup of Alfredo sauce
Olive oil.
If you like stong cheese add gorgonzola or any top that you like.


Spread the pizza dough in a pan for pizza, add the sauce, the mozzarella cheese and the olivo oil. Put in the oven previously preheat at 375 for 30 minutes..

RECETAS DE PASTAS ITALIANAS: Spaguetti with beans and chicken

RECETAS DE PASTAS ITALIANAS: Spaguetti with beans and chicken: Spaghetti with beans and chicken breast1

COCINA FACIL Y RAPIDA: DoubleClick Publisher Blog: Programmatic in the Fu...

COCINA FACIL Y RAPIDA: DoubleClick Publisher Blog: Programmatic in the Fu...: DoubleClick Publisher Blog: Programmatic in the Future: What’s Google betting on?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Potato soup with chicken breath

Potato soup with chicken breath

Potato soup with chicken breath


7 red potato
2 chicken breath
2 cup of chicken broth
2 cup of ragu sauce
Salt and pepper as you like


Peel the potato, cut it en small pieces, cut the chicken in small pieces too, put all together tp cook with chicken broth, ragu, salt and pepper, let it cook for about 25 minutes..

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Honey Cornbread with egg and turkey

1 box of honey cornbread
1 1/2 of water
6 eggs
3 slice of turkey
1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese..


Mix the power of cornbread with water, put in a container previously with oil or butter ..  Then mix the eggs, turkey in little pieces and the shared cheese, put on top of the cornbread, then in the oven in 400 degree, previously preheat... For about 20 minutes.

Honey Cornbread with egg and turkey

1 box of honey cornbread
1 1/2 of water
6 eggs
3 slice of turkey
1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese..


Mix the power of cornbread with water, put in a container previously with oil or butter ..  Then mix the eggs, turkey in little pieces and the shared cheese, put on top of the cornbread, then in the oven in 400 degree, previously preheat...

Honey Cornbread with egg and turkey

1 box of honey cornbread
1 1/2 of water
6 eggs
3 slice of turkey
1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese..


Mix the power of cornbread with water, put

Honey Cornbread with egg and turkey

Honey Cornbread with egg and turkey


1 box of cornbread
1 1/2 of water
6 eggs
3 slice of turkey
1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese..


Mix the power of cornbread with water, put in a container previously with oil or butter ..  Then mix the eggs, turkey in little pieces and the shared cheese, put on top of the cornbread, then in the oven in 400 degree, previously preheat... For about 20 minutes.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pizzas italianas: Pizzas caseras

Pizzas italianas: Pizzas caseras: Ingredientes: 1/2 kg de masa se pizza 1/2 frasco de salsa de pizza o ragu 1/4 kg queso mozarella salami al gusto pimentones verdes o d...

Pizzas caseras


1/2 kg de masa se pizza
1/2 frasco de salsa de pizza o ragu
1/4 kg queso mozarella
salami al gusto
pimentones verdes o del color que quieras al gusto
2 cdas de acite de oliva.


Se coloca papel de aluminio en una bandeja para pizza previamente engrasada, se estira la masa de pizza y se coloca sobre la bandeja, se le coloca la salsa de tomate ragu o de pizza, el queso mozarella, el salami y el pimenton, luego se coloca el aceite de oliva. Y se pone en el horno a 350 grados centigrados por 35 minutos.. El horno debe estar precalentado previamente..


1 Lb pizza dough
1/2 can of pizza sauce or ragu
1/4 lb of mozarella cheese
salami and green pepper if you like it
2 spoon of olive oil..


Get a container for pizza wrapped with paper foil previously put some olive oil in spray
then stretch the pizza dough until you get almost the size of the container, put the sauce, then the mozarella cheese, salami green pepper and the olive oil. Put inside the oven previously preheat it, let it cook for about 35 minutes in 350 degree